Hillman, Nicole
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Recent activity by Hillman, Nicole-
Share a Class in myInstitute
Students can now easily share a class with others via myInstitute. By sharing a class, others can follow a link, learn about that class, and quickly register. To share a class, follow the instruct...
Marking Readings in mySeminary
Ensuring your readings are up to date in mySeminary allows your teachers and leaders to understand your progress as well as make sure you are on track to get credit for the work you have done throu...
How to Excuse Absences in mySeminary
For parents looking to excuse their student’s absences, please follow these steps: 1. Log into mySeminary. 2. Click on the student's name. 3. Click on Class Sessions. 4. Verify Calendar View ...
How to Sign the Basic Agreement in myInstitute
The following instructions will guide you through signing the basic agreement in myInstitute. This agreement is a requirement for participation in institute. 1. Go to myinstitute.churchofjesuschri...
How to Sign the Basic Agreement in mySeminary
1. Log into myseminary.churchofjesuschrist.org and log in with your Church Account username and password. 2. You will see the seminary aged youth in your household on your screen. 3. Select ...
Finding a Class on myInstitute
Find Classes Near Me On the home page of myInstitute, there is a quick and easy way to find an institute class to attend. Follow the steps below. 1. Select the Find Classes Near Me bu...
Institute Graduation Requirements
To qualify for graduation, students must complete 14 credits of institute courses: 4 Cornerstone courses (8 total credits) 3 Elective courses (6 total credits) To complete a course, students ...